Special Forces Mission & Mindset: Reclaiming Unconventional Warfare in the Renewed Age of Irregul...

Introduction The post-Global War on Terror (GWOT) United States (US) Army Special Forces (SF) Regiment faces a unique opportunity to rejuvenate its identity as it seeks to find balance with the overarching US Army’s evolving concentration on irregular warfare…
Graham Lueilwitz · 14 days ago · 2 minutes read

Unconventional Warfare: Reclaiming the Heart of Special Forces

Background and Context

Irregular warfare has made a resurgence in military doctrine and academic discussions, leading to a shift in focus towards this domain.

However, the rise of irregular warfare should not eclipse the importance of unconventional warfare (UW), a vital component of irregular warfare.

Unconventional Warfare: The Core Task and Organizing Principle of Special Forces

UW has been a core task and organizing principle for Special Forces since its inception, providing a unique expertise in irregular warfare.

UW involves enabling a resistance movement or insurgency to challenge an existing government or occupying power.

Special Forces' ability to adapt to different cultures and employ UW methods enables them to operate effectively in a wide range of environments.

Special Forces Mission and Mindset

There is an ongoing debate within Special Forces about the relevance of UW in modern warfare.

Some argue that UW is a specific mission, while others emphasize the importance of a UW mindset in guiding all aspects of Special Forces operations.

Both perspectives have merit, as UW represents both a mission and a problem-solving philosophy that has driven SF's success.

Why Not Both?

Understanding the legal, doctrinal, and practical aspects of UW is essential for Special Forces stakeholders.

Promoting a UW mindset among SF personnel fosters creativity and problem-solving in complex and ambiguous environments.

Conclusion: Reclaim Unconventional Warfare

Special Forces must reclaim their ownership of UW and elevate its importance within irregular warfare.

By leveraging their expertise in UW, SF can contribute to national security objectives, shape the operational environment, and succeed in large-scale combat operations.

"Reclaiming UW is not simply about rebranding, but about recognizing the timeless value of this capability in an evolving world facing unconventional threats." - Dr. David Maxwell, Former Commander, US Special Operations Command