What newcomers think about Canada's immigration challenge

Amid the passionate debates and policy proposals around immigration to Canada, a key voice has been absent: that of immigrants themselves. This set CBC News on a path to ask recent newcomers directly and in depth about their experiences in their adopted count…
Graham Lueilwitz · 29 days ago · 2 minutes read

Immigration in Canada: A Time for Reflection and Dialogue

Newcomer Perspectives

As Canada navigates the complexities of immigration, it is crucial to elevate the voices of those who have recently made this country their home. To that end, CBC News embarked on a mission to engage with newcomers and gather their insights.

Our survey of 1,500 newcomers from diverse backgrounds revealed a nuanced perspective that both aligns with and challenges prevailing narratives about immigration.

While 82% express concerns about the government's capacity to provide adequate housing, infrastructure, and job opportunities, newcomers share the anxiety of many Canadians over the cost of living, housing affordability, and healthcare.

Moreover, 67% cite the high cost of immigration as a significant barrier. Those who would not recommend Canada to family and friends often mention these financial burdens.

Yet, amidst these concerns, a resounding sentiment remains: eight out of ten newcomers are happy to have chosen Canada as their new home, valuing its welcoming and safe environment.

An Urgent Call for Conversation

The results of our survey underscore the need for a national dialogue that incorporates the perspectives of newcomers.

Our "Welcome to Canada" series will amplify their voices, exploring the challenges they face and the triumphs they have achieved. This multifaceted exploration aims to foster a deeper understanding of immigration's impact on Canadian society.

Share your own experiences and insights by emailing ask.ca. Your contributions will help shape a broader and more informed conversation about this pivotal topic.

As we embark on this electoral year, let us prioritize the voices of those whose aspirations and concerns shape the future of our nation.