Voices from the Arab press: Trump and Musk, the arsonists

A weekly selection of opinions and analyses from the Arab media around the world.
Graham Lueilwitz · 18 days ago · 2 minutes read

Trump and Musk: Agents of Chaos

The Two Provocateurs

In 2024, the political landscape witnesses the emergence of a formidable duo: Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Their fiery rhetoric and disruptive actions have ignited controversies that transcend national boundaries.

The Perfect Storm of Influence

Trump's anti-establishment policies and Musk's technological prowess have resonated with the masses, enabling them to wield enormous influence through social media. They leverage platforms like Twitter to amplify their supporters and silence criticisms.

Personal Vendettas Fueling the Flame

Trump's disdain for the media, which he perceives as corrupt, and Musk's resentment towards the Biden administration, which he believes stifles his businesses, have fueled their vindictive streaks.

The Collison of Egos

Both Trump and Musk possess colossal egos that make them impervious to criticism. Liberals and leftists risk bearing the consequences of challenging their reputations online.

Right-Wing Ideologies: The Common Thread

While Trump and Musk may diverge in their focuses on economics and cultural matters, their shared support for European right-wing parties reveals their broader ambitions to propagate right-wing ideologies across the West.

Quote: "If any socio-political boundaries in Europe remain unchallenged by Trump, Musk seems poised to topple them." - Mamdouh Al-Muhaini, Asharq Al-Awsat, London, January 10